Sprayer Aerator


Faucet sprayer and aerator turns your faucet into an instant sprayer aerator. Faucet sprayer swivels to rinse where sink-mounted sprayers can't reach. Changes from a splash proof stream to a strong steady spray to reach every corner of the sink. Easily clean veggies, rinse pasta, power wash pots and pans. Flow restrictor conserves water, saves money. Heavy duty plastic coupling twists onto faucet; 3" x 1" x 1".
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  • Spray Aerator for Kitchens and Sink Faucets
  • Easily couples with a twist to standard faucets
  • Provides improved water pressure in a splash-proof stream
  • Swivel feature allows you to reach every corner of the sink
  • Flow restrictor conserves water
  • Measures 3" long x 1" wide x 1" diameter
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