Sunflower Printed Cottage Curtain Set


You'll smile at how bright and cheery your kitchen can be with the Sunflower Printed Cottage Curtain Set. Charming on-trend window curtain set includes everything you need to transform any window—a pair of tiers, a window valance with attached swags, and a pair of curtain tie-backs—with each piece featuring colorful sunflowers complemented by a ruffled brown border. Each indoor curtain tier is 24" L x 57" W; valance is 57" W. Polyester. Machine wash.
  • Polyester
  • Set includes 2 tiers, a valance with attached swages, and a pair of tie-backs
  • Tiers are 24" long x 57" wide each
  • Valance is 57" wide
  • Machine wash
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