Time To Rejoice Coloring Book


Get ready to rejoice! Each page of this stained-glass style adult coloring book features a detailed, inspirational design to fill your heart with joy as you bring it to life with color. On the back of each coloring page is a popular hymn or Bible verse, including Amazing Grace, John 3:16 and more. This Time To Rejoice Coloring Book is a beautiful way to enjoy some peaceful time while strengthening your faith! Book also includes a gallery of finished designs by adult colorists. Printed on acid-free quality paper, each page is perforated for easy removal. 88 pages. Religious book measures 8 1/2" x 11".
  • Acid-free quality paper
  • Measures 8 1/2" x 11"
  • Includes 88 pages with inspirational designs
  • Features hymns and Bible verses on page backs
  • Perforated pages for easy removal
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