Toilet Tissue Tower by OakRidge™


Toilet tissue tower by OakRidge™ is a beautifully discreet solution to bathroom tissue storage. Compact toilet paper stand fits in narrow spaces, keeping toilet tissue nearby but hidden behind a closed door. Interior features 4 adjustable shelves for custom toilet paper storage of even extra large rolls. Magnetized door stays securely closed. Open top stores facial tissue within easy reach. Assembly required. Toilet tissue holder measures 5 1/2" W x 27" H x 6 3/4" L. Shelves fit rolls up to 4 1/4" in diameter.
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  • Made with solid wood
  • 5 1/2" W x 27" H x 6 3/4" L
  • Interior includes 4 adjustable shelves for custom storage
  • Open top stores facial tissue within easy reach
  • Magnetized door stays securely closed
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