Universal Stainless Can and Jar Strainer by Home Marketplace


Designed to fit over most cans and glass bottles, this stainless steel strainer makes it easy to drain juices from pickles, olives, tuna, salmon, beans and any canned fruits or vegetables. Simply place the universal strainer over bottle or can and push down on the easy-grip handles for quick, easy draining into sink, bowl or container. The mini strainer also shields your hands from sharp can edges to prevent cuts. With its round shape, this small strainer has no corners or crevices to trap dirt—making it a dishwasher-safe mini colander and a hygienic kitchen helper. This small colander measures 5" x 3 1/4" x 1".
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  • Designed to fit over most cans and glass bottles, this stainless steel strainer makes it easy to drain juices from pickles, olives, tuna, salmon, beans and any canned fruits or vegetables
  • Simply place the universal strainer over bottle or can and push down on the easy-grip handles for quick, easy draining into sink, bowl or container
  • The mini strainer also shields your hands from sharp can edges to prevent cuts
  • With its round shape, this small strainer has no corners or crevices to trap dirt—making it a dishwasher-safe mini colander and a hygienic kitchen helper
  • This small colander measures 5" x 3 1/4" x 1"
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