Universal Utensil Holder


Simply clip this hinged Universal Utensil Holder to the rim of a pot, pan or bowl to add an instant parking spot for utensils—keeping them right where needed, and keeping countertop, stovetop or buffet table tidy. The durable stainless steel kitchen holder attaches firmly to any size pot, pan, bowl or jug and adjusts to work with any size utensil. A smart solution to prevent the mess of setting a dripping utensil on a spoon rest, this universal holder and spoon rest allows sauce from spoons to drip right back into the pots and pans, and keeps utensils handy for neat, easy buffet serving. The kitchen utensil holder and spoon stand removes easily for compact storage in the utensil drawer or countertop holder. Dishwasher safe. Measures 6 3/4" L x 2 3/8" W.
  • Durable stainless steel
  • 6 3/4" long x 2 3/8" wide overall
  • Keeps counters and stovetops mess-free
  • Hinged design clips onto any size pot or pan
  • Adjusts to work with any size utensil
  • Dishwasher safe
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