Wave™ Sleep Therapy Sound Machine


You’ll love the tranquility of the Wave™ Sleep Therapy Sound Machine for restful nights and focused days. This sleek, compact natural sleep aid boasts functionality well beyond a typical white noise machine. Wave™ offers a seamless loop of 6 soothing natural sounds: white noise, fan, ocean, rain, stream and summer night. All relaxation, no interruptions—customize your sleep environment by choosing the ideal sound and volume for your comfort. Effective for blocking out daytime distractions to increase productivity, too. This sound machine for sleep features a built-in USB port in the chrome stand so you can charge your devices while you sleep. Optional 15-, 30- and 60-minute automatic shut-off timer to conserve energy.
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  • Soothing sound machine for better sleep
  • Acts as a natural sleep aid
  • Built-in USB port for charging
  • Includes a chrome stand
  • Features a 15, 30 and 60-minute automatic shut-off timer
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