White Arched Garden Trellis


Our white Arch Trellis is sure to be a favorite addition to your outdoor space! Create a garden archway or tuck it into a corner. It supports climbing plants and flowers. This easy-to-assemble garden arbor has a weather resistant, white enamel finish is made from 8mm gauge steel. This garden arch is just one of the many items at Walter Drake for outdoor garden décor—and more!
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  • Free-Standing Trellis – Our garden or patio trellis will stand upright on its own, making the perfect entryway
  • Easy to Decorate – When you want to provide a special look for the entryway trellis, you can hang streamers, flowers or climbing vines on the frame
  • Quick Assembly – All of the pieces of the wedding arch trellis will pop together easily in a fast assembly process
  • Sturdy Frame – The entire curved frame consists of 8 mm gauge steel finished in a while enamel coating
  • Nearly 8 Feet Tall – With a height of 7 feet, 10 inches and a width of 55 inches, two people can walk through the garden entryway trellis together
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