White Pantry Snack Organizer by Home Marketplace


Transform your pantry into snacking central with this White Pantry Snack Organizer! It makes snacking and packing lunches simple, with 2 tiers of easy-access storage space. The deep top basket is perfect for bags of chips, fruit and soup cups. Lower-level slide-out pantry basket is ideal for granola bars, cookies and single-serve packs of nuts. Coated iron complements any décor and features padded feet, so you can even use it on a countertop! Kitchen pantry storage organizer is 11 3/4" L x 10 1/2" W x 6 1/2" H. By Home Marketplace.
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  • Coated iron construction
  • 11 3/4" long x 10 1/2" wide x 6 1/2" high overall
  • Deep top basket is perfect for bags of chips, fruit and soup cups
  • Lower-level slide-out pantry basket is ideal for granola bars, cookies and dry foods
  • Padded feet won't scratch surfaces
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