Over the Door Upper Body Exerciser


Tone up with a great upper-body workout at home and at your own pace. Simply slip this upper body cardio machine over the top of a standard door and build strength while standing or seated, even while watching TV! The cable/pulley system with woven cords and soft-grip handles provides the resistance needed to help firm and shape muscles, increase range of motion, and improve the look of your arms, chest, upper back and abs. This over the door exerciser is also great for rehabilitation therapy at home, too. Over the door exerciser fits doors up to 2 1/2" thick. PVC/polypropylene.
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  • Simply slip this upper body cardio machine over the top of a standard door and build strength while standing or seated, even while watching TV
  • The cable/pulley system with woven cords and soft-grip handles provides the resistance needed to help firm and shape muscles, increase range of motion, and improve the look of your arms, chest, upper back and abs
  • This over the door exerciser is also great for rehabilitation therapy at home, too
  • Over the door exerciser fits doors up to 2 1/2" thick
  • PVC/polypropylene
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