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  1. 358356

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  2. Waterproof Rain Boot Shoe Covers-368011 Waterproof Rain Boot Shoe Covers-368011
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Garden Fall Clean-Up with Walter Drake

Spring and fall are the two times of the year where yard clean-up is the most necessary. Before the time comes to tidy up those dead branches, gather up leaves and clean up accumulated yard debris, check out our hand-picked collection of garden clean-up tools and gadgets, hoses and accessories, leaves and gutters, kneelers and seats as well as electrical accessories for outdoor convenience.

Fall Yard Clean-Up Tools, Gadgets and More

Walter Drake’s collection of fall yard clean-up and garden fall clean-up items will help you get your job done quickly, easily and efficiently. We’ve picked the best, most helpful products we could find on the market to make our customers’ fall yard clean-up easier. Our affordable yard clean-up Tools and Gadgets will help you trim, organize, weed, fasten, cover and protect your outdoor accessories, furniture and more.

Multi-Purpose Hose Accessories, Leaf and Gutter Tools

Check out our selection of Hose Accessories and items to help your hose stay untangled and leak-free. This must-have garden essential item can be made into a multi-purpose cleaning and watering tool. Fall yard clean-up and garden fall clean-up has never been so easy with our Leaf and Gutter Clean-up Tools available at Walter Drake. We specialize in problem-solving solutions to your leaf and gutter problems, offering you the newest and best in leaf gathering and making your fall garden clean-up a whole lot easier. Shop garden hands, gutter brushes and gutter flushers.

Chore Comfort and Outdoor Electrical Safety Items

Here you’ll find garden Kneelers and Seats that make garden work much easier on the knees and the back. Add extra protection and safety to your outdoor extension cords with our convenient electrical accessories. Whatever you’re looking for, you’ll find with fall yard clean-up tips, tools, gadgets and problem solvers from Walter Drake.

Walter Drake: Since 1947

Since 1947, we’ve been bringing our customers the very best in-home décor, outdoor décor, seasonal items and innovative household gadgets that help make lives easier. From stationery and Walter Drake calendars to our ever-popular Walter Drake Christmas cards, holiday candy and As Seen on TV products, you’ll find that all of your needs will be covered with products found here at Walter Drake — your go-to for unique items, great values and special offers.

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