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  1. Battery-Operated Vintage-Style Ceramic Tree-368597 Battery-Operated Vintage-Style Ceramic Tree-368597
    2 Options Available

  2. NFL Ceramic Mug-339985 NFL Ceramic Mug-339985
    31 Options Available

  3. 329662

    $6.99 $4.99
  4. 333869


    50% Off Calendars

  5. 306558

    $9.99 $5.99
  6. Personalized Deluxe Baby Bootie-346452 Personalized Deluxe Baby Bootie-346452
    2 Options Available

    $14.99 $11.99
  7. Satin Fleece Blanket by OakRidge™-345224 Satin Fleece Blanket by OakRidge™-345224
    21 Options Available

    $44.99 $27.99
  8. Personalized Script Coffee Mug, 14 oz.-345435 Personalized Script Coffee Mug, 14 oz.-345435
    4 Options Available

  9. Chenille Slippers-346503 Chenille Slippers-346503
    12 Options Available


    35% Off Select Overstocks

  10. 310667


    50% Off Calendars

  11. Personalized 2 Yr Planner Sunset Psalm 118-367707 Personalized 2 Yr Planner Sunset Psalm 118-367707
    2 Options Available


    50% Off Calendars

  12. 352395

  13. 353259

    $29.99 $19.99
  14. 305008

    $16.99 $12.99
  15. 317449

    $24.99 $16.99
  16. 360438

  17. Desktop Address Book-345520 Desktop Address Book-345520
    3 Options Available

  18. Personalized Chef Apron By Sawyer Creek Studio™​-311015 Personalized Chef Apron By Sawyer Creek Studio™​-311015
    6 Options Available

    $39.99 $29.99
  19. 312089

  20. 367739


    50% Off Calendars

  21. 362040

  22. Black Personalized 2 Year Planner-342135 Black Personalized 2 Year Planner-342135
    2 Options Available


    50% Off Calendars

  23. Personalized Memo Cube - Set of 600-303409 Personalized Memo Cube - Set of 600-303409
    3 Options Available

  24. 311426

  25. 313699

  26. Butterflies 2 Year Personalized Planner-334050 Butterflies 2 Year Personalized Planner-334050
    2 Options Available


    50% Off Calendars

  27. 331252

  28. 302724

  29. Personalized Angel with Heart Birthstone Ornament-311519 Personalized Angel with Heart Birthstone Ornament-311519
    24 Options Available

  30. Personalized Script Soup Mug, 22 oz.-345434 Personalized Script Soup Mug, 22 oz.-345434
    4 Options Available

  31. 363591

  32. Christian 2 Year Personalized Planner-334044 Christian 2 Year Personalized Planner-334044
    2 Options Available


    50% Off Calendars

  33. Personalized Birthstone Angel Pewter Ornament-360587 Personalized Birthstone Angel Pewter Ornament-360587
    16 Options Available

  34. Personalized Birthstone Star Ornament-352826 Personalized Birthstone Star Ornament-352826
    24 Options Available

  35. 334062


    50% Off Calendars


Holiday Gift Guide: Best-Selling Gifts

Everyone wants to give holiday presents that stand out from the crowd — but searching for unique Christmas gifts can feel like finding a needle in a haystack. Best-selling home gifts from the Walter Drake gift guide are exactly what you’ve been looking for. These items are already popular among our customers, so you know they’re affordable problem-solvers that are also great gifts. At the same time, many of our gifts are exclusive products and designs you’ll only find in the Walter Drake catalog. Do your holiday shopping with us and check every box with practical home-based merchandise.

Gift-Giving Made Simple

When you shop in the Best-Selling Christmas Gift section, you get to see exactly what’s on most wish lists this season. Some of these items are probably what your family and friends are hoping for — even if they haven’t said so. Tried-and-true gifts such as pocket calendars, monthly organizers, throw blankets and mugs are always good gifts. That doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun with them, though. Order personalized gift mugs or NFL team mugs that brighten spirits year-round. Or instead of ordinary measuring cups, find creative kitchen tools such as steel cookie scoops and marble cheese slicers. By putting a twist on traditional gifts, your presents will be remembered long after December 25.

Fun Home Solutions

Get your holiday shopping out of the way early or find a last-minute Yankee Swap party item with the help of Walter Drake. We have been delighting and inspiring people of all ages during the holiday season since 1947. Best-selling Christmas gifts like compression socks, memo pads, laundry carts and leather wallets are fitting at the most wonderful time of the year. Not surprisingly, they’re also highly rated by reviewers — that’s why they’re best-sellers. Use our category options to start your search or call (855) 202-7393 for assistance.

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