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Holiday Gardening Gift Guide

For avid gardeners, the holiday season is a little bittersweet, as they’re still months away from being able to enjoy their favorite hobby. Still, they’re going to need the right supplies when the weather finally warms up. Home gardening gifts from Walter Drake will get your family and friends even more excited about the impending arrival of spring. As a leader in affordable gardening and landscaping products since 1947, we’ll help you inspire loved ones so they can inspire the neighbors.

Affordable Garden Tools and Supplies

Help parents, children, siblings or close friends grow a better garden without blowing your entire holiday budget. Our selection of gardening supply gifts includes DIY flower seed mats, annual tree rings, hanging baskets, patio planters and other easy ways to add greenery. Maintain and grow those seeds with practical tools that range from aerator sandals to folding yard seats. Garden accessories such as hose nozzles add functionality to your everyday tools. We stock weather gauges as well to track rainwater and see if plants are getting enough moisture.

Outdoor Yard Decoration Gifts

Part of owning a great yard is enriching it with the right adornments. Lawn décor gifts will make any size property shine. Garden flags are a colorful gift that displays a fun design or an important message. Some of these yard flags have holiday themes to mix with your other Christmas decorations. For a barnyard touch without the smell, order resin animal statues that look cute and resist harsh weather. Those who host gatherings after the sun goes down will love a set of solar yard lights to impress guests.

Celebrate the holidays while looking ahead to longer, warmer days by shopping our home gardening gift collection. Click on a product to learn more about its uses and read reviews from actual customers. Walter Drake is a retailer for all seasons and will help you find a practical yet creative gardening gift.

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